It’s time to redefine what a perfect body is.

The perfect body
is the healthiest version
of the body you already have!


It's not about image.

The Perfect Body Yoga Program is the first complete at-home program that fuses yoga and fitness, and values health over image. Strength and flexibility are better goals than tiny waists and “bikini bodies,” and The Perfect Body Yoga Program believes that the sexiest qualities you can have are strength and confidence. It was designed by yoga instructor and co-founder of Bad Yogi, Erin Motz, who has dedicated her work to breaking down the negative attitudes of exclusivity and judgement in the yoga community. This program will take you through 8 weeks of balanced, motivational and health centered yoga routines that you can enjoy and maintain.

Are you ready to get YOUR perfect body?



Limited Time Bonuses!

BONUS: 4 Bonus Express Classes for those days where you don’t have a full 30-40 minutes to spare, choose from one of these which run between 15-20 mins.

BONUS: You’ll also get a gorgeous printable package of sequences that you can take on the road and off the screen.


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What Real People Are Saying About PBYP

"I love Love LOVE this program! Since the emphasis is on getting a healthy body, I use motivators other than the scale (how I feel, flexibility, how much I don’t dread getting on my mat). I also adore the community feel of the program. The fb group is undoubtably the kindest, most motivating and encouraging group of people out there!"
- Amanda W.
"I don’t think I can sum up how much I love this program in a short review! (I will try) 🙂 Only 3 days into this program I feel energized, happy & motivated! Unlike other programs (forcing myself to workout).. I WANT to do this program.. I even wake up early! Erin makes it fun and she found a way to connect all of us together so we have a support team. I also love the day by day calendar she made for us AND how we get right into the yoga classes (not a 5 minute intro to each class like most workout videos) I can’t say enough.. I am so happy I decided to do this!"
- Ashley C.
"So glad I bought this! The flows are an amazing mix of challenge and restoration. It feels so good to do yoga for more than 20 minutes, as well! Those 40 minute classes kick butt! If you love Erin’s style and her overall philosophy, this course is the perfect combination of those things. She’s kind and considerate and challenges you without making you feel crap about where you are at the moment. And you’ll get more than just physical results! So much of building a proper home yoga practice is about consistency – the kind that doesn’t feel stuffy or bores you to tears. THIS IS IT."
- Judy C.
"I am really enjoying the creativity of the courses. They are challenging and fun. At the end of each class, I feel completely connected mind and body and and am always craving more. The encouraging community created here, will also make this program a huge success for us all. Way to go Erin, another brilliant BadYogi WIN!"
- Stefani H.


The Perfect Body Yoga Program may not be for you if:

  • you think you can be healthy by eating junk and never exercising

  • you believe only one type of person has the “perfect” body

  •  you believe the only road to health is aggressive exercise

  •  you only want to get healthy with extreme dietary restrictions

If any of these apply, you may want to reconsider as this program is probably not for you.

Let's be honest.

Fitness programs that berate you through your computer screen and make you feel like you need to have a 6-pack, California tan and photo ready hair to be healthy are just not realistic and are more discouraging than motivating. Why do we have to punish our bodies with aggressive exercise until we throw up in our living rooms to see results? Here’s a secret: WE DON’T!

You don’t need to sweat a lake in your house or never eat solid food again to achieve a healthy strong body that comes with a feeling that you can conquer the world!

You CAN get healthy and feel amazing every step of the way. We believe that your exercise should energize, not deplete you.

What can I expect from this program?

A fully scheduled, total-body yoga program so you don’t have to think about the “what” or the “when.” The Perfect Body Yoga Program focuses on strength, flexibility and confidence, not just superficial looks.  It starts with the assumption that the perfect body is simply the healthiest version of the body you already have. That means your perfect body won’t look like ours or your best friend’s or your favorite celebrity’s — it’ll look like YOU — and that’s what makes you perfect! The Perfect Body Yoga Program wants you to feel incredible from week one to week eight. It was our mission in developing this program to make sure you have all the tools you need to help you become the strongest, most radiant, confident person you know.


Discover power you never knew you had


Find true balance


Feel stronger for longer


Stand taller, look prouder


Become your most confident self


See the fruits of your labor

How does it work?

The Perfect Body Yoga Program wants you to feel incredible from week one to week eight. It was our mission in developing this program to make sure you have all the tools you need to help you become the strongest, most radiant, confident person you know.


For some, that means reducing fat while adding lean muscle to increase your resting metabolic rate.  Your resting metabolic rate represents the amount of calories you burn each day while resting.  The stronger you are (the more muscle you have), the more calories you burn at rest and the leaner and healthier you’ll be.  But this program is about way more than just weight loss or weight gain; it’s about overall health.  By the end of this program, you will feel stronger, more flexible and have more energy to do the things you love.

What do I get?

This is a fully scheduled, total-body yoga program so you don’t have to think about the “what” or the “when.” You get everything you need to get stronger, become more balanced, gain energy, increase your metabolism, and discover your version of perfection.

12 Yoga Classes

12 FULL expertly produced and targeted HD classes, ranging between 30 and 40 minutes Designed for maximum results. Evenly split between Upper and Lower Body, and then further broken down for Strength and Flexibility.

8 Guided Meditations

Additionally, you’ll have 8 guided meditations to balance your practice and cater to our body’s most over-worked area: the mind.

Complete Food Guide

FOOD: You’ll get easy-to-follow keys that will guide your eating habits towards balance without crazy restrictions or hard-and-fast rules with recipes and ingredients that are expensive, time-consuming and impossible to maintain. This is NOT a diet.


BONUS #1: 4 Bonus Express Classes: For those days when you don’t have time for a full 30-40 minute class, choose from one of 4 Express options that range between 15 and 20 minutes. Same targeted focus in less time.

BONUS #2: Printable Sequences: Don’t always have access to the internet? Do you travel frequently? Or just don’t feel like being on the screen every day? We’ve got you covered. You’ll also get a gorgeous printable package of sequences that you can take on the road and off the screen so that you never have an excuse not to move your body and feel amazing.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to get YOUR perfect body?


For a limited time!

BONUS: 4 Bonus Express Classes for those days where you don’t have a full 30-40 minutes to spare, choose from one of these which run between 15-20 mins.

BONUS: You’ll also get a gorgeous printable package of sequences that you can take on the road and off the screen.


More People Talking About PBYP

"Absolutely loving this program, the community, and of course everything about Bad Yogi! Erin is a master of creativity and encouragement, and has been such an inspiration for doing more for my wellness. Yoga isn’t about fitting into molds set by stereotypes and media. The only mold you need to fit is the one that your body has already set for you! Perfect Body Yoga Program allows you to love that mold and serves as a beautiful guide to helping you achieve that mold. Definitely a program worth being a part of!"
- Megan R.
Megan Reddix
"This program is absolutely incredible. Lots of hard work, but nothing you can’t do. No crazy props, no super advanced poses. Just approachable, simple yoga designed to help you look and feel your absolute best."
- Heather
"So glad that I purchased this program! It has helped me find my way back to my mat but also so much more. I am learning to be ok with where I am in both my practice and my life. I am learning that there is a whole community of people who genuinely want me to be the best me I can be and the support and encouragement they are sending my way is so helpful! If you want to get back to your mat even if it’s just to take 30 min to remind yourself that you are perfect just how you are- this is the program for you!"
- Tricia B.
"I am fairly new to yoga, for years I would randomly try a class and could not get into it. Since then I’ve had three babies, all three pregnancies I had a pelvic disorder that caused me to need a walker towards the end. I’ve tried so many different workouts to get back in shape and always end up reinjured. Yoga is the first thing that has caused improvements! Erin’s program is building the strength back in my body that, at one time, felt impossible to ever regain. Thank you so much!"
- Kelly N.
"I am on the first week of Erin’s program. I teach yoga, but I don’t get time to take classes for myself. I have done Erin’s challenges before and loved them, so I bought this program. She has inspired an awesome FB community – so don’t hesitate to join us. If you have done yoga before or are a complete newbie to yoga — she has you covered with all variations of poses you might find challenging. So, join us for a new “perfect” you. Namaste"
- Kay S.


My name is Erin Motz, I’m a certified yoga teacher and co-founder of Bad Yogi, a yoga and lifestyle brand and the leader of yoga’s counter culture. With a global community of over 100,000 members, people all over the world have been able to discover yoga in an accepting environment where they can come exactly as they are. We’ve removed the snobbery and pretense that’s usually present in a typical yoga community, and replaced it with a welcoming, light-hearted, and inspiring vibe that not only motivates, but entertains, too. In my 11-year career as a yoga teacher, I’ve worked hands-on with thousands of people to help them reach their goals of strength, flexibility, and balanced health through expertly, painstakingly designed yoga programs. And now, I want to bring that to your living room with the Perfect Body Yoga Program. Instead of trying to mix and match random yoga classes from the internet at home, or hiring a private yoga instructor for $75 an hour, you can ACTUALLY reach your health and wellness goals with a program specially created and tailored for maximum results in minimal time. I’m so excited to share this with you and have you join me on your journey towards true balance and YOUR version of “perfect.”


Will this help me lose weight?

If your body is holding on to some extra weight, then this will be an excellent tool to help you release that. If weight loss isn’t your primary goal, this is a great way to maintain where you’re at and improve your strength, flexibility and overall health. The great thing about yoga is that it meets you where you are. An over-simplified reason as to how yoga helps with weight loss is, simply: it helps further stimulate our parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which is the branch of our nervous system that regulates our heart rate and allows us to “rest and digest” when we don’t need to be in “fight or flight.” Very simply put: our PNS calms our bodies while our sympathetic system controls our fight or flight response. As we go about our daily life, even small stresses can trigger that “fight or flight” mode, and the PNS is what regulates it. When our bodies are under a lot of stress, our fight or flight response shoots out of control, sending our bodies in to overdrive. In that state, we over-produce stress hormones like cortisol, which contributes to unnecessary weight gain. Yoga helps bring it back in to balance by toning the PNS, strengthening our body’s ability to cope with little stresses so they’re less triggering and less harmful. Too much info? Really sorry! I get a little excited about this stuff! 😉

What if I don't care about losing weight?

If weight loss isn’t your primary goal, this is a great way to maintain where you’re at and improve your strength, flexibility and overall health. The goal of losing weight isn’t for everyone and it doesn’t have to be.  This program isn’t just created with the goal of helping people lose weight, but with the goal of helping people get healthy. If you lose weight along the way, so be it, but the focus is on feeling stronger and healthier.

Why 8 weeks?

8 weeks is the optimal time needed to actually SEE not just FEEL the results of your work when you look in the mirror. In addition to the visual benefits, 8 weeks is the amount of time it takes to form a lasting fitness habit.  In 4 weeks you might feel amazing, but double that amount of time, and the results are exponential. In 8 weeks, you’ll cultivate not only a strong body and clear mind, but a habit that you’ll be able to maintain long after it’s over.

What if I’m not flexible?

NEWSFLASH! You do NOT need to be flexible or strong to do this program. That’s like saying you can’t take a shower because you’re dirty. HELLO! You take a shower to GET clean. In that same vain: you do this program to improve your strength and flexibility. There are no pre-requisites here except desire! 😉

What if fitness programs don’t work for me?

I am you. I despise “programs” because I don’t really care about killing myself to get a 6-pack. So, I know what you’re thinking. “But I’m different. Fitness ‘programs’ don’t work for me.” You’re right. They didn’t work for you before because they didn’t create sustainable habits that last well after the program is over. The Perfect Body Yoga Program focuses on creating progressive AND sustainable habits that you can incorporate in to your every day life. This isn’t about losing 100lbs in 30 days; it’s about creating healthy habits for life.

$129 seems like a lot, why so much?

If you were to buy 16 classes at a studio it would cost you a minimum of $245, and that’s if you DON’T live in a big metropolis. If you bought 16 half hour classes from the Bad Yogi store, it would cost you $160. With this program, you’re not just getting a random mix of classes. You’re getting an entire system that took a year to develop because I wanted to make sure that it WORKED. It’s been tested, tweaked, timed and tediously edited to make it a complete program that you can use for life; the amount is simply a reflection of the quality of the program.

So why isn’t lifting weights or just running enough?

Our bodies crave movement that goes beyond repetitive action. When you get in to the habit of doing the same weight lifting or running routine, you overuse certain muscle groups which can weaken those muscles’ antagonists. Basically: you end up creating imbalanced patterns in the body which are a recipe for misalignment at best and injury at the worst. Yoga helps realign and bring you back in to a balanced state while simultaneously improving your flexibility, strength and overall health.

What if I don’t like it?

We stand by this 100%, and if you’re unhappy after 30 days we’ll happily refund you because we want you ensure you have the best experience possible without sweating it if it’s not for you.

What’s the difference between this and just doing your free classes online?

A free class online once in a while is great for the occasional pick-me-up, but if you’re looking for results and real change, you need more than that. Beyond that, those classes aren’t designed to work together as a system. This is, which is why you’ll see real results.

How long can I use it?

You can use this forever. Once you purchase, it’s yours to keep so you can repeat it as many times as you like.

Are you ready?

If you’re sitting there thinking, “I really wanna do this, but I’m just not sure.” Or, you have that nagging little voice inside of you that knows you’re ready for the next step, that knows you’re ready to get stronger, more flexible and feel more confident — YOU’RE READY!  I know because I was you, sitting there knowing that I needed something this and I was just nervous to go out there and do it.  So if this is you, consider this a sign! YOU CAN DO THIS, and I’m excited to be here with you on your journey every step of the way. And remember: satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, so if you’re unhappy at any point within the next 30 days I’ll gladly send you your money back.  I’m so proud of this program and I want nothing more than for you to have an incredible experience.

Are you ready to get YOUR perfect body?


For a limited time!

BONUS: 4 Bonus Express Classes for those days where you don’t have a full 30-40 minutes to spare, choose from one of these which run between 15-20 mins.

BONUS: You’ll also get a gorgeous printable package of sequences that you can take on the road and off the screen.